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Hi this is my first 3d/2d matte painting & texturing reel, the scenes are from the short film «OA», this 3D short film is the product of the hard work of all of my classmates in the 3d animation school PrimerFrame in Valencia from the year 2014.

I did many differents tasks like sketching, modeling, texturing, animation, compositing and matte painting projections.

I am really happy because I’ve improved my skills with photoshop (painting) and 3D applications.

Author RUL

Diseñador gráfico senior con casi 20 años de experiencia (se dice pronto) en el desarrollo de distintos productos audiovisuales. He pasado por diferentes agencias de publicidad siendo encargado de los trabajos de diseño gráfico, cartelería, catálogos, desarrollo web, branding, edición de vídeo e interfaces software/app.

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Raúl Ballester
Cartagena (Murcia)
